

I will say this only once, I am smart, I am geeky, I am artistic, I am well read, well cultured, and know manners and etiquette. I feel like everything I love and value are now part of some sort of counter-culture, where being smart, well read and cultured makes you someone odd and less of a man. I am not changing. I am happy with me. The world was better off when we had more Gentlemen. Gentlemen and Ladies make the world a much more cultured and gentle place. After watching a few hours of regular telly, I realize how different I am from most people, I look at the world though, possible an antiquated lens. However, it is a time honoured one. So, if you are a lady and leave the table and I stand up, or hold a door open for anyone. I am not belittling you or trying to shame you. I am just doing what men are supposed to do show respect to all people. I am a very complex and intricate person, and I am just learning all about me. However, I know this to be true, I am a cultured, smart gentleman who tries to treat everyone as I would want to be treated. I am artistic and good at what I do. I am well read and well learned. I am not ashamed of these facts any more. I will continue to lead my life in the manner I have been going. I am happy with me, after many many years, I am happy with this enigma of a riddle; wrapped in a puzzle that is Ron.