13 of March


Title: Pee Dee Union Baptist Church
Artist: Ron Stafford
Medium: RAW digital print

{History from the churches web-site: History of Pee Union from their webiste: On January 12, 1782, Cheraw Hill Baptist Church had its constitution granted by the Welch Neck Baptist Church, Society Hill, SC. The church consisted of both black and white members. By the 1860’s the black members had become the majority. The black members applied for and received letters of dismissal from the church, and 23 letters were granted immediately. Pee Dee Union Baptist Church was founded just a few yards from the original Cheraw Hill Baptist Church, and in January 1867 Rev. Wisdom London founder, preached the first message from a plattform built outdoors. In December of the same year 285 blacks applied for and received letters to join Pee Dee Union Baptist Church. Through true sacrificies, the first wooden building was constructed to house the growing congregation. That structure was destroyed in March 1912 by a tornado, and the present structure was rebulit on the same parcel of land in 1912 and dedicated in March 1913. For almost 100 years, this marvelous structure has served as home for the congregation. In its 145 year history, Pee Dee Union has only had 12 men serve as pastor. They are Rev. Wisdom London, Rev. Claudius McCall, Rev. Sidney Johnson, Rev. Alfred McPhail, Rev. Isaiah Williams, Rev. F. W. Prince, Rev. J. N. Carr, Rev. O. St.Clair Franklin, Rev. James Levy, and Rev. Dr. Thomas Dawkins. The 12th and current pastor is Dr. Jerry Corbett. The church continues to serve as a strong force in the community and provides diverse ministry for all people.}

Granny’s Gardenias

We all grieve the loss of loved in various ways. I find myself not being sad at Granny’s passing, just remembering all the good things about her. I was going through my external hard drive and found a bunch of photos I took last summer of Granny’s Gardenias. If you knew her, you know she loved to garden. I love to as well, I would help her in her yard when I could. I remember each summer, when the Gardenias would bloom you smell them before you exited the car. That sweet sweet small that wafes across the yard and time. It is these simple things I keep find that remind me what a wonderful women she was and that she is at peace. She would not want us to mourn her, she would probably tell us to stop being silly and go get something to eat.


John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie

On this first day of February I would be remiss, if I did not make John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie my first famous African American. He is a Cheraw native. His sculpture on the green has been a favorite photographic spot of mine. Dizzy was a pioneer in the Jazz world, he was a very cool cat. What a lot of people don’t know is that he had his job and performance in Cheraw at our historic theater on the green. These photo I took during the SC Jazz fest. I want to place the trumpeter for the Empire Strikes Brass under dizzy in the same musical position.

