Éirinn go Brách


Éirinn go Brách

Happy Saints Patrick’s Day. My family has deep Irish roots. I can trace my mothers father’s line back to County Galway and the Conamara Mountains, where they left for Charleston in 1705.

It has always bugged me that the rich heritage gets obscured during this day of the year. All we think about is beer, corn beef, and mystical creatures. Since college and Taura Napier’s World Literature and Irish Literature classes, I always think of John Millington Synge and his great play, The Playboy of the Western World. Ireland is a rich land of music, letters, food, and history. Let us remember these today and not green beer. I will think of my long roots in Ireland today as I go about my day. I have the red hair of my Irish forefathers, their Catholic faith and love of literature.

“… it’s great luck and company I’ve won me in the end of time — two fine women fighting for the likes of me — till I’m thinking this night wasn’t I a foolish fellow not to kill my father in the years gone by.” — Christy

“Drink a health to the wonders of the western world, the pirates, preachers, poteen-makers, with the jobbing jockies; parching peelers, and the juries fill their stomachs selling judgments of the English law.” — Sara Tansey

“A daring fellow is the jewel of the world….” — Michael Flaherty
“…the blow of a loy, have taught me that there’s a great gap between a gallous story and a dirty deed.” — Pegeen

Quotes from Synge’s The Playboy of the Western World.

13 of March


Title: Pee Dee Union Baptist Church
Artist: Ron Stafford
Medium: RAW digital print

{History from the churches web-site: History of Pee Union from their webiste: On January 12, 1782, Cheraw Hill Baptist Church had its constitution granted by the Welch Neck Baptist Church, Society Hill, SC. The church consisted of both black and white members. By the 1860’s the black members had become the majority. The black members applied for and received letters of dismissal from the church, and 23 letters were granted immediately. Pee Dee Union Baptist Church was founded just a few yards from the original Cheraw Hill Baptist Church, and in January 1867 Rev. Wisdom London founder, preached the first message from a plattform built outdoors. In December of the same year 285 blacks applied for and received letters to join Pee Dee Union Baptist Church. Through true sacrificies, the first wooden building was constructed to house the growing congregation. That structure was destroyed in March 1912 by a tornado, and the present structure was rebulit on the same parcel of land in 1912 and dedicated in March 1913. For almost 100 years, this marvelous structure has served as home for the congregation. In its 145 year history, Pee Dee Union has only had 12 men serve as pastor. They are Rev. Wisdom London, Rev. Claudius McCall, Rev. Sidney Johnson, Rev. Alfred McPhail, Rev. Isaiah Williams, Rev. F. W. Prince, Rev. J. N. Carr, Rev. O. St.Clair Franklin, Rev. James Levy, and Rev. Dr. Thomas Dawkins. The 12th and current pastor is Dr. Jerry Corbett. The church continues to serve as a strong force in the community and provides diverse ministry for all people.}